Recent news

Exciting news! New Environment Rating Scales have arrived! As of February 1, 2025, the ECERS-3, ITERS-3, and FCCERS-3—also known as the "3s"—will be used for all assessments. These third editions come with a spiral binding at the top, replacing the revised editions. For more information about updated resources, credit hour trainings, and outreach assessment opportunities click here:  

Get ready for the 3s

For official assessments for the NC Star Rated License,
we will use the Revised editions until February 1, 2025.

Interested in learning more? Participate in an Outreach Assessment! Learn more about the benefits and process by visiting the Outreach Assessments page: 

Outreach Assessments

Are you a family child care provider, in search of information about the self-study process for your Star Rated License? Click below to see updated information about the FCCERS-3 self-study with resources and videos created to help develop a process that meets individual needs and priorities.

FCCH Self-study

NCRLAP offers contact hour earning online training. Go to to see our scale related training as well as additional trainings that cover special topics such as language and interactions, outdoor learning environments, and requirements for materials in family child care homes.

  • During assessments, assessors may take photographs of the indoor/outdoor spaces and materials; however, children will not be photographed.
  • There are no more COVID-related exemptions in place for assessments and all scale requirements apply. While on site, assessors will follow any health precautions required by child care programs.
  • To help review ERS requirements and think carefully about the current characteristics and practices in your program or classroom, please check out the Thinking More worksheets; there is one for each subscale of each rating scale. These are a great option for FCCH providers, teachers and, administrators and can be found on our resource list.  

This short video breaks down why assessment reports may be longer and scores lower then they were previously. We encourage you to use these reports as an opportunity to guide growth and make decisions that are appropriate for your program. We are here to support you through this journey, so connect with us at anytime. 

Important resources for all assessments
Resources applicable to all rating scales.
  1. This video describes the steps involved in the assessment process completed by NCRLAP. Information in this resource is appropriate to be used with each Environment Rating Scale.
    About the assessment process (video)   Click for more information about this media
  2. This presentation describes many of the health and sanitation practices considered during the assessment process. Information in this resource is appropriate to be used with each Environment Rating Scale.
    Handwashing and other basic health considerations (video)   Click for more information about this media
  3. This video focuses on how language supports childrens cognitive and social/emotional development in programs serving infant and toddlers.
    Language for learning: Infants and Toddlers (video)   Click for more information about this media
  4. This document summarizes scoring criteria used by NCRLAP assessors during Environment Rating Scale assessments for items that relate to the safety of gross motor space and equipment. These standards apply to all gross motor equipment and materials.
    Requirements for Gross Motor Space and Equipment   Click for more information about this document
  5. This video addressed common questions and scoring issues related to gross motor spaces and play that occurs during North Carolina Rated License Assessments. Information in this video applies to all Environment Rating Scales.
    Safe space for gross motor play (video)   Click for more information about this media
  6. USDA Meal Pattern Guidelines for Children 1-12 years of age. These were updated on October 1, 2017. Source. Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and redesigned by NCRLAP
    USDA Meal Pattern Guidelines for Children 1 to 12 years   Click for more information about this document
  7. This video illustrates ways providers can ensure that infants, particularly non-mobile infants, have a variety of play and learning experiences with appropriate materials and furnishings throughout the course of the caregiving day.
    Using materials with non-mobile infants (video)   Click for more information about this media
Below are the most important resources for each rating scale.
ECERS-3: For children 3 years through 5 years old
  1. This includes materials and furnishings needed for specific items and indicators.
    ECERS-3 Materials list   document icon
  2. This document provides basic information about how the ECERS-3 builds on but also differs from the ECERS-R. General points and a few details for each subscale are mentioned, along with some ideas to promote reflective thinking.
    Getting to know the ECERS-3   document icon
  3. This document provides basic information about how the ECERS-3, builds on but also differs from the ECERS-R. General points, along with a few details for each subscale are mentioned, along with some ideas to promote reflective thinking.
    Getting to Know the ECERS-3 (Spanish Version)   document icon
  4. These are the current NC Additional Notes for the ECERS-3 used by NCRLAP assessors.
    NC Additional Notes ECERS-3 (11-5-24)   document icon
  5. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about activities for learning and play based on ECERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Activities ECERS-3   document icon
  6. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about positive practices for interactions based on ECERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Interaction ECERS-3   document icon
  7. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about language for learning, as well as, the use of books and other literacy-related details based on ECERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Language and Literacy ECERS-3   document icon
  8. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about personal care routines, health, and safety based on ECERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Personal Care Routintes ECERS-3   document icon
  9. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about program structure including transitions, free play and group times based on ECERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Program Structure ECERS-3   document icon
  10. This worksheet can be used to answer questions and document information about space and furnishings based on ECERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Space and Furnishings ECERS-3   document icon
ITERS-3: For children birth to 3 years old
  1. This document provides basic information about how the ITERS-3 builds on and also differs from the ITERS-R. General points, along with a few details for each subscale are mentioned, along with some ideas to promote reflective thinking.
    Getting to know the ITERS-3   document icon
  2. This document provides basic information about how the ITERS-3, builds on but also differs from the ITERS-R. General points, along with a few details for each subscale are mentioned, along with some ideas to promote reflective thinking. (Spanish Version)
    Getting to Know the ITERS-3 (Spanish Version)   document icon
  3. This includes materials and furnishings needed for specific items and indicators.
    ITERS-3 Materials list   document icon
  4. These are the current NC Additional Notes for the ITERS-3 used by NCRLAP assessors.
    NC Additional Notes ITERS-3 (11-5-24)   document icon
  5. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about activities for learning and play based on ITERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Activities ITERS-3   document icon
  6. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about positive practices for interactions based on ITERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Interaction ITERS-3   document icon
  7. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about various types of language, as well as, the use of books based on ITERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Language and Books ITERS-3   document icon
  8. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about personal care routines, health, and safety based on ITERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Personal Care Routintes ITERS-3   document icon
  9. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about program structure including transitions, free play, and group activities based on ITERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Program Structure ITERS-3   document icon
  10. This worksheet can be used to answer questions and document information about space and furnishings based on ITERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Space and Furnishings ITERS-3   document icon
SACERS-U: For children 5 years through 12 years old
  1. This video focuses on how language supports children's cognitive and social/emotional development in programs serving schoolagers. Information in this resource is appropriate to be used with each Environment Rating Scale.
    Language for learning: Schoolagers (video)   video icon
  2. These are the current NC Additional Notes for the SACERS-U used by NCRLAP assessors.
    NC Additional Notes SACERS-U (updated 10-25-23)   document icon
  3. This document includes information about SACERS-U policies and procedures important for school-age staff.
    SACERS-U Important Program Policies and Procedures   document icon
  4. This document includes details and reminders for items related to various learning materials, areas, and activities included in the SACERS-U.
    SACERS-U Promoting Engagement   document icon
  5. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about activities for learning and play based on SACERS-U items and indicators.
    Thinking More About Activities SACERS-U   document icon
  6. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about personal care routines, health, and safety based on SACERS-U items and indicators.
    Thinking More About Health and Safety SACERS-U   document icon
  7. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about language for learning and positive interactions based on SACERS-U items and indicators.
    Thinking More About Language and Interactions SACERS-U   document icon
  8. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about program structure including aspects of the daily schedule, free play and group times, and provisions for children with disabilities based on SACERS-U items and indicators.
    Thinking More About Program Structure SACERS-U   document icon
  9. This worksheet can be used to answer questions and document information about space and furnishings based on SACERS-U items and indicators.
    Thinking More About Space and Furnishings SACERS-U   document icon
FCCERS-3: Multi-age care for children birth through 12 years old,
located in a Family Child Care Home or Center Located in a Residence
  1. This includes materials and furnishings needed for specific items and indicators.
    FCCERS-3 Materials list   document icon
  2. This document provides basic information about how the FCCERS-3 builds on but also differs from the FCCERS-R. General points and a few details for each subscale are mentioned, along with some ideas to promote reflective thinking.
    Getting to know the FCCERS-3   document icon
  3. This document provides basic information about how the FCCERS-3, builds on but also differs from the FCCERS-R. General points, along with a few details for each subscale are mentioned, along with some ideas to promote reflective thinking. (Spanish Version)
    Getting to Know the FCCERS-3 (Spanish Version)   document icon
  4. This video focuses on how language supports children's cognitive and social/emotional development in programs serving schoolagers. Information in this resource is appropriate to be used with each Environment Rating Scale.
    Language for learning: Schoolagers (video)   video icon
  5. These are the current NC Additional Notes for the FCCERS-3 used by NCRLAP assessors.
    NC Additional Notes FCCERS-3 (11-5-24)   document icon
  6. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about activities for learning and play based on FCCERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Activities FCCERS-3   document icon
  7. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about positive practices for interactions based on FCCERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Interaction FCCERS-3   document icon
  8. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about various types of language, as well as, the use of books based on FCCERS-R items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Language and Books FCCERS-3   document icon
  9. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about personal care routines, health, and safety based on FCCERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Personal Care Routintes FCCERS-3   document icon
  10. Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about program structure including transitions, free play and group times based on FCCERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Program Structure FCCERS-3   document icon
  11. This worksheet can be used to answer questions and document information about space and furnishings based on FCCERS-3 items and indicators.
    Thinking More about Space and Furnishings FCCERS-3   document icon