This document provides information about what is required at the ''good'' level in FCCERS-R Item 24, Promoting acceptance of diversity. It also provides examples of items that can earn credit.
FCCERS-R Item 24 Promoting Acceptance of Diversity: What is Required at the 5 Level?
This includes materials and furnishings needed for specific items and indicators.
FCCERS-R materials list
This report shows statewide and county FCCERS-R scores for NC Star Rated License assessments during 9/1/2017 to 8/31/2019.
FCCERS-R Statewide and county scores
Example of a form that could be used to plan for a self-study. This form is not required, but may be helpful in generating a plan to use for a self-study process.
FCCH Self-Study F3: Planning Form
A document explaining the cycle of self-study
FCCH Self-Study F3: Understanding Self-Study
Un documento que explica el ciclo de autoestudio.
FCCH Self-Study F3: Understanding Self-Study Spanish Version
This document provides important reminders about specific requirements for the self-study process as part of NC's Star Rated License.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: 5 Key points for NC FCCH Self Study Process
Este documento proporciona recordatorios importantes sobre los requisitos específicos para el proceso de autoestudio como parte de la licencia Star Rated de Carolina del Norte.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: 5 Key points for NC FCCH Self Study Process Spanish Version
Bringing Self-Study Into Focus discusses multiple strategies for approaching a self-study.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: Bringing Self-Study into Focus
This document provides important reminders about requirements for the self-study process as part of NC's Star Rated License and offers some ideas and questions to consider when getting started with a self-study.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: Getting Started with Self-study
Este documento proporciona recordatorios importantes sobre los requisitos para el proceso de autoestudio como parte de la licencia Star Rated de Carolina del Norte y ofrece algunas ideas y preguntas para considerar al comenzar con un autoestudio.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: Getting Started with Self-study Spanish Version
A short video breaking down the subscales in the FCCERS-R.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: Getting Started with the FCCERS-R
This brief video provides a basic level understanding of how to score the FCCERS-R and use the results for self-study.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: Scoring the FCCERS-R
This video walks through what an intentional self-study process looks like and explains the steps that can be used along the journey.
FCCH Self-Study FCCERS-R: What is a Self-Study
This poster is from the NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center shows the diapering procedure and is referenced in NCRLAP assessment reports.
Healthy child care NC diaper procedure poster
Este documento proporciona información para las familias sobre el proceso de evaluación y qué esperar. Se alienta a los proveedores de FCCH a publicar este documento en áreas familiares o incluirlo en un boletín del programa cuando se programe la ventana de evaluación. Está disponible en inglés y español.
Information for Families About Rated License Assessments FCCH (Spanish version)
This document provides information for families about the assessment process and what to expect. FCCH providers are encouraged to post this document in family areas or include with a program newsletter when the assessment window is scheduled. It is available in English and Spanish.
Information for Families About Rated License Assessments in Family Child Care Homes
This presentation explains the requirements for the nap/rest items in the Environment Rating Scales regarding healthy provisions. It addresses common questions and provides some helpful hints.
Rest Well: Sanitation considerations for naptime
This presentation discusses the supervision of children during naptime and considers the physical layout and placement of furnishings to allow for good supervision. It also discusses how programs can create a restful environment for children by considering the indicators at the various levels of quality in the Environment Rating Scales.
Rest Well: Supervision considerations for naptime and creating a restful environment
This document provides a summary of the lowest scoring items and indicators for the FCCERS-R, as used for the assessment portion of the NC Star Rated License.
Summary of Lowest Scoring Items and Indicators for the FCCERS-R
Use esta hoja de trabajo para responder preguntas y documentar información sobre actividades de aprendizaje y juego basadas en elementos e indicadores de FCCERS-R.No es obligatorio, pero es muy recomendable para FCCH que desee comprender más acerca de los diversos requisitos o que esté completando un proceso de autoestudio para los puntos de los estándares del programa.(Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about activities for learning and play based on FCCERS-R items and indicators.It is not required, but is highly recommended for FCCH wanting to understand more about the various requirements or who are completing a self study process for program standards points.)
Thinking More About Activities FCCERS-R
Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about activities for learning and play based on FCCERS-R items and indicators.It is not required, but is highly recommended for FCCH wanting to understand more about the various requirements or who are completing a self study process for program standards points.
Thinking More About Activities FCCERS-R (Spanish)
Use esta hoja de trabajo para responder preguntas y documentar información sobre el lenguaje para el aprendizaje y las interacciones positivas basadas en elementos e indicadores de FCCERS.
Thinking More About Language and Interaction FCCERS-R (Spanish)
Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about language for learning and positive interactions based on FCCERS items and indicators.
Thinking More About Language and Interactions FCCERS-R
Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about personal care routines, health, and safety based on FCCERS items and indicators.
Thinking More About Personal Care Routines FCCERS-R
Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para responder preguntas y documentar información sobre rutinas de cuidado personal, salud y seguridad en función de los elementos e indicadores de FCCERS.
Thinking More About Personal Care Routines FCCERS-R (Spanish)
Use this worksheet to answer questions and document information about program structure including aspects of the daily schedule, free play and group times, and provisions for children with disabilities based on FCCERS-R items and indicators.
Thinking More About Program Structure FCCERS-R
Utilice esta hoja de trabajo para responder preguntas y documentar información sobre la estructura del programa, incluidos aspectos del horario diario, juegos libres y tiempos de grupo, y disposiciones para niños con discapacidades según los elementos e indicadores de FCCERS-R.
Thinking More About Program Structure FCCERS-R (Spanish)
This worksheet can be used to answer questions and document information about space and furnishings based on FCCERS-R items and indicators.
Thinking More About Space and Furnishings FCCERS-R
Esta hoja de trabajo se puede utilizar para responder preguntas y documentar información sobre el espacio y el mobiliario en función de los elementos e indicadores de FCCERS-R.
Thinking More About Space and Furnishings FCCERS-R (Spanish)
USDA Meal Pattern Guidelines for Infants less than 12 months old. These were updated on October 1, 2017. Source. Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), www.fns.usda.gov/cacfp/meals-and-snacks and redesigned by NCRLAP.
USDA Meal Pattern Guidelines for Infants
This document is used in conjunction with the corresponding video to further understanding of the ways providers can ensure that infants, particularly non-mobile infants, have a variety of play and learning experiences with appropriate materials and furnishings throughout the course of the caregiving day. Information in this supplement applies to all programs providing infant care.
Using Materials with Non-Mobile Infants (supplement)
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